SQLServerAgent is not currently running so it cannot be notified of this action.

Have you seen errors like these below when attempting to run SQL Replication Wizard or start a SQL Agent job? TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio —————————— SQLServerAgent is not currently running so it cannot be notified of this action. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 22022) SQL Server blocked access to procedure ‘dbo.sp_get_sqlagent_properties’ of component ‘Agent
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CDC does not require Unique Index

Change Data Capture feature of SQL 2008 is based on Transactional Replication.  CDC and Transactional Replication used the same internal stored procedure sp_replcmds to retrieve data updates from the transaction log.  However, unlike Transactional Replication, CDC does NOT require the tables to have a unique index (or Primary Key). In fact CDC can be use
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Snapshot Agent Performance –MaxBCPThreads

We noticed a large published database was taking a long time for the Snapshot to be applied to the subscriber.  Looking further in sp_who and sys.sysprocesses we noticed only one Distribution Agent thread executing the bulk insert statements. It took a while but we discovered the publication was created using “concurrent snapshot” option. -MaxBcpThreads number_of_threads
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