Author: Chris Skorlinski [MSFT]

Unexplained Latency in the Distribution Agent using Named Pipe

Just wanted to give a heads up about a SQL Replication Distribution Agent Latency problem we observed today.  The Distribution Agent to 1 subscriber was only delivering about 500 cmds/sec while other subscribers were getting 4000 cmds/sec. We noticed the Distribution Agent was running under a different PacketSize, made that change, no noticeable improvement. While
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How to cleanup Replication Bits

For SQL 2005 and SQL 2008 the sp_removedbreplication stored procedure works great for removing the SQL Replication bits from a database.  SQL 2000 has an older version of this SP which doesn’t always cleanup the database.  You can use the following steps in SQL 2000 to remove the leftover Replication bits. Problem Description – Manually
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