Author: Chris Skorlinski [MSFT]

Snapshot Agent Performance –MaxBCPThreads

We noticed a large published database was taking a long time for the Snapshot to be applied to the subscriber.  Looking further in sp_who and sys.sysprocesses we noticed only one Distribution Agent thread executing the bulk insert statements. It took a while but we discovered the publication was created using “concurrent snapshot” option. -MaxBcpThreads number_of_threads
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What happens if I select Create a snapshot immediately in the Publication Wizard?

When creating a Transactional Replication publication, what happens if I check Create a snapshot immediately and keep the snapshot available to initialize subscriptions? This sets the publication property @property=‘immediate_sync’,@value=‘TRUE’ which instructs Replication to keep all the transactions cached in the Distribution database for the entire Retention Period.  Normally these rows are purged as soon as
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Stored Procedure schema changes are not being replicated when using ”initialize with backup”

SQL Replication allows you to replicate user-defined Stored Procedures code to subscribers similar to replicating tables.  When the sp is modified, the new schema/script is transferred to the subscriber. This ensures all subscribers have the most recent version of the SP. Transactional Replication also allows you to setup a subscriber using a backup of the
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