Tag: Merge

Push v. Pull Merge Replication

I hope to answer the question “What is the difference between Push and Pull Merge Replication?” in this blog posting. As you know Merge Replication is all about merging or blending changes between multiple SQL Servers.  One SQL Server is designated as the PUBLISHER or “master” copy of the database.  Changes made on the Publisher
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Replication: Unable to Synchronize subscribers via Web Synchronization

reposting from Claudia Silva Microsoft SQL Escalation Services United Kingdom http://blogs.technet.com/b/claudia_silva/ Problem: The upload message to be sent to Publisher ‘XXX’ is being generated The merge process is using Exchange ID ‘XXXXX’ for this web synchronization session. No data needed to be merged. Request message generated, now making it ready for upload. Upload request size
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Clearing Resolved Merge Replication Conflicts

Content provided by: Steve Dybing, Microsoft SQL Server Support Background on Merge Conflicts ———————————————- When a Publisher and a Subscriber are connected and synchronization occurs, the Merge Agent detects if there are any conflicts. If conflicts are detected, the Merge Agent uses a conflict resolver (which is specified when an article is added to a
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