Tag: Merge

Replicating data loaded with BCP or Bulk Insert

Yes you can use both Transactional and Merge Replication to move data inserted using the BCP.exe utility of the Bulk Insert command to Subscribers. Considerations For Transactional Replication By default, Transactional Replication will replicate data loaded via BCP or Bulk Insert.  For performance, you may want to load data using the bcp Utility –b batch_size
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Merge Replication Capacity Planning

I was recently asked for recommendations for Merge Replication capacity planning project.  While I spend most of my time tuning and troubleshooting Replication environments, I decided to post some thoughts on about stress testing and capacity planning.  I hope this posting helps as you are designing your Merge Replication environment. Background Reading Merge Replication Performance
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Helpful References and Links on Setting up Merge Web Synchronization

Sateesh Yele | Microsoft SQL Server Support Below is a list of self-help resources or this scenario. These resources are used by Microsoft SQL Replication Support Engineers during an Advisory Services engagement or while troubleshooting Web Synchronization problems. We hope you too find these helpful.   Web Synchronization for Merge Replication http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms151763.aspx   Topologies for
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