Category: ReplTalk Blog

How to skip a transaction

Share this PostStored procedure sp_setsubscriptionxactseqno allows Distribution Agent to skip transaction(s) in Transactional Replication. Internally this stored procedure sets the last delivered watermark (LSN) stored in subscriber’s MSreplication_subscriptions table. Upon restarting the Distribution Agent return transactions greater that this watermark (LSN) from the Distribution database cache (msrepl_commands). -- executed inside sp_setsubscriptionxactseqno UPDATE MSreplication_subscriptions SET transaction_timestamp =
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Setting commitbatchsize returns ‘An invalid parameter or value was specified in the command line.’

Share this PostRecently worked on a case where customer was getting this error when modifing the Distribution agent Job to use CommitBatchSize of 12K and above: Agent message code 20028. An invalid parameter or value was specified in the command line. (parameter = ‘-commitbatchsize’, value = ‘12000’) This error occurs when setting commitbatchsize greater than
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ReplTip Push v Pull Subscriptions

Share this PostHere is a quick ReplTip on difference in SQL Management Studio and Replication Monitor for Push v. Pull Subscriptions. Push v. Pull with Management Studio For PULL subscribers you must connect via SSMS or Remote Desktop (RDP) connection to the Subscriber to performance administrative tasks like starting, stopping, or changing parameters. The icon
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MSrepl_agent_jobs does not exists

Share this PostProblem Setting up Transactional Replication in an AlwaysOn Availability Group environment and getting error similar to one shown below: Msg 14262, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSrepl_track_addjob, Line 57 [Batch Start Line 12] The specified table (‘MSrepl_agent_jobs’) does not exist. MSrepl_agent_jobs is a new table added to Distribution database in SQL 2017 CU6
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